Saturday, March 31, 2018

reminding myself there's a spirit

I've been obnoxiously busy lately
not even time to microwave my coffee
and take pictures of the kids.

What have I been thinking about this morning?
Instead of reading scripture
and mulling over my character,

I'm going over the pricing structure for my business.

I steal away to the front porch
with the weather-worn wicker chairs
to listen to some Amen Dunes
and remind myself I have a spirit
and that I am a person.

1 comment:

benjamin said...

Def need to listen to the new Amen Dunes now.
I love how the simple act of being outside and listening to music puts me back in a beautiful headspace. I walked through the woods with Huck the other day and listened to Gillian Welch and when her duet with Conor Oberst of "Lua" came on, the world just felt right and good.