Knox talks slower and has a little bit of a lisp
when he is skipping nap time.
Darcy, Holden, and mommy are all napping.
I go downstairs to grab something out of the fridge
and I hear Knox making pew-pew noises in the living room.
And I just feel like every time I talk to him during nap time,
he talks slow and his words come out with a little lisp.
Just the other day, another case of Knox skipping nap time,
I was working in my office and I heard something.
I turned around and there was Knox with the little tent tunnel
enveloping his body, looking like a worm.
It cracked me up how he quietly came up the stairs
while Darcy was asleep, this big tent tunnel in hand,
and snuck up on me like that.
I just like that the thought crossed his mind to do that.