Tuesday, August 18, 2009


My family and I went on a cruise to Alaska. Everyone that went: me, my brother, Audrey, my mom, my aunts Harriet and Mary Ellen and uncle Rainey, my cousins Liz and Annette and Lacy, and Granny J (my mom's mom).

Highlights of the trip:
1) Watching whales jumping out of the water and seals and jellyfish and glaciers and black bears and bald eagles and salmon...etc etc
2) Drinking cocktails on top of the ship at night while listening to Feel Good Lost ("Artic Kiss" included Finlandia Vodka and sparkling wine...and "Grizzly Bear" included milk and Amaretto and Jagermeister and Kahlua)
3) Watching messed up cartoons at night with Ben...ever heard of Banana Split? or Danger Island?
4) Becoming a glutton for a week...Dessert Extravaganza.
5) Being annoying...just to make Audrey laugh....Whitey
6) Juneau, Sitka, Ketchikan, and Victoria
7) Ben proposing to Audrey

Part 1 -

Part 2 -


lizaloo said...

so great.

i wanna go back.
can't wait to see all the videos!
hope school is awesome, will

lizaloo said...

oh my gosh i've already watched both of these twice. i love it. i miss alaaaksa