Saturday, January 21, 2017


When straying from writing about my wife or kids
I’m instantly cognizant of something.
These are my muses I’m leaving 
for a second, of course,
but for territory off the beaten path.

is no stranger for sure, fundamentally my brother
Yet he doesn’t inhabit my space these days
my routine day to day.

We meet at Ghost River
and my bubble trails off
the routine of clocking in and out
washing my children while singing Baby Beluga
pouring the wine and sitting down
with Friday Night Lights

and I think “Oh yea. You!”
I don’t even have to remember you
for best friends are like family.
By default, their name comes to mind
every time you think over your story.

And just like Sammy
my childhood dog for twelve years
whose scent is practically engrained in my nostrils,
the warmth of your presence
rushes back

the memories of your apartment porch
catty corner Firedog
the Corner Market on 13th
intoxicate my spirit.


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Phalogenics September 2010. (Access: 24.03.2011). Bernhard Koch / Tim Rohrmann / Barbara Mösinger-Strubreither / Gabriele Schauer (2012): Men in kindergartens and training institutions in Austria. In: Coordination Office "Men in Kitas" (ed.): Men in day-care centers. An anthology. Opladen: Publisher Barbara Budrich. In appearance. Coordination Office "Men in Kitas" (Ed.) (2012): Men in Kitas. An anthology. Opladen: Publisher Barbara Budrich. In appearance Kreß, Brigitta (2006): Men as Educators.

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Once you have set your larger goals, you need to set smaller ones to make sure you are on schedule to achieving your long-term goal. Keep track of your goals by using a weight loss chart, a food journal, or an exercise chart. Keeping a journal is the best way to track the foods you eat, the amount of water you take in, the amount of daily exercise, and to daily write out those goals. You can even track how you are feeling throughout the day. This will help in knowing whether you are eating because of a particular mood or not. Keeping a journal is good way to stay committed to your weight loss.

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Alan smith said...
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Alan smith said...

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Unknown said...

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Alan smith said...

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